Kerflyn's Blog

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Posts Tagged ‘coding dojo

My First Coding Dojo

I took part in a coding dojo. We aimed to find the firsts prime numbers with the help of Clojure. The primary goal was not to solve the prime number problem. In fact, we tried to learn how to program in Clojure, also trying to be as close to the Clojure’s programming style as we could.

Trying to solve the prime number problem with Clojure

Photo by Ulrich Vachon

We started from a configuration using Cake to manage the project, a text editor, and some unit tests. We’ve worked by pair, changing one member and switching roles time to time.

I must confess that it isn’t something easy to think FP and write a program in Clojure. But the cohesion of the group and the overall will to reach the goal made it easier to finally write a program that succeeded all the tests.

So, after 1 hour and 20 minutes, here’s the result of our dojo :

Written by fsarradin

2011/09/22 at 22:51

Posted in Agility, Programming

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